We Are Accepting Donations Again!
Great news! The Friends will once again be accepting donations starting Saturday, February 15, 2025. We welcome your gently used books, DVDs, and other media to help support our library programs and services.
Thank you for your generosity and continued support!

Book Donations
Book donations are a great way to support your library! The Friends of Barrington Public Library accepts and maintains all book donations. Donations may be added to the Library’s collection or sold in a book sale. All donations become the property of the Friends and cannot be returned. If you need a receipt for tax purposes, the library will provide one. Federal regulations prohibit the library from giving estimates of the value of donated materials. Receipts are available at the reference desk upon request.
We accept donations from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm on Wednesdays and Saturdays only at the book donation door (marked BOOK DROP) located at the rear of the building facing the Peck Center for Adult Enrichment (Senior Services) parking lot. The door has a set of steps with a railing. There is a sign on the door indicating book donation drop-off. Please do not leave donations in the library book drop or outside the book donation door.
Donation Drop Off
Book donations are temporarily paused starting June 18, 2024. Donations will accepted again on July 17, 2024 from 9 am to 4 pm Wednesdays and Saturdays,
Guidelines for Donations
We will accept the following materials:
Hardcover and paperback books
CDs & DVDs in original cases
Audiobooks in original packaging
Puzzles (no missing pieces)
Vinyl record albums
We will NOT accept the following:
Any materials that have mold, stains, or odors
Books without covers
VHS or Audio Cassettes

Financial Donations
In addition to book donations, the friends accept monetary donations. You may donate by check (payable to the Friends of the Barrington Library) and mail to Barrington Public Library, 281 County Road, Barrington, RI 02806, or donate below via Paypal. Note: Legacy, Memorial or Tribute gifts are managed through the Barrington Public Library Foundation. Please contact the Library Director for more information: Kristen Chin, 401-247-1920 x305, or director@barringtonlibrary.org.